Fcc Established Business Relationship Definition



tr.v. es·tab·lished, es·tab·lish·ing, es·tab·lish·es


a. To cause (an institution, for example) to come into existence or begin operating; found; set up.

b. To bring about; generate or effect: establish goodwill in the neighborhood.


a. To place or settle in a secure position or condition: They established me in my own business.

b. To cause to become regular or usual: established the habit of going to bed early.

c. To cause to be able to grow or thrive: The tree needs to be watered to help it become established.

3. To cause to be recognized and accepted: a discovery that established his reputation.

4. To introduce and put (a law, for example) into force.

5. To prove the validity or truth of: The defense attorneys established the innocence of the accused.

6. To make a state institution of (a church).

[Middle English establishen, from Old French establir , establiss-, from Latin stabilīre, from stabilis, firm; see stā- in Indo-European roots.]

es·tab′lish·er n.

Synonyms: establish , create , found 1 , institute , organize
These verbs mean to bring something into existence and set it in operation: establishing a business; created a trust fund; founded a colony; instituted an annual benefit concert; organizing a field trip.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. widely or permanently accepted

2. officially recognized or well respected

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Adj. 1. established - brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established; "the established social order"; "distrust the constituted authority"; "a team established as a member of a major league"; "enjoyed his prestige as an established writer"; "an established precedent"; "the established Church"


unestablished - not established; "a reputation as yet unestablished"

2. established - settled securely and unconditionally established - settled securely and unconditionally; "that smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact"

effected, accomplished

settled - established or decided beyond dispute or doubt; "with details of the wedding settled she could now sleep at night"

3. established - conforming with accepted standards; "a conventional view of the world"


orthodox - adhering to what is commonly accepted; "an orthodox view of the world"

4. established - shown to be valid beyond a reasonable doubt; "the established facts in the case"

proved, proven - established beyond doubt; "a proven liar"; "a Soviet leader of proven shrewdness"

5. established - introduced from another region and persisting without cultivation


foreign, strange - relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world; "foreign nations"; "a foreign accent"; "on business in a foreign city"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



2. famous, celebrated, distinguished, honoured, noted, remarkable, well-known, prominent, glorious, legendary, acclaimed, notable, renowned, eminent, conspicuous, illustrious, much-publicized, lionized the established names of Paris fashion

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


ثابِت، مُعْتَرَف بِه


fastur; traustur; sem hefî er fyrir



Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ɪˈstæblɪʃt] adj

[organization] → établi(e) Established ChurchEstablished Church nl'Église f anglicane

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ɪsˈtæblɪʃt] adj (person) → affermato/a; (business) → avviato/a; (custom) → radicato/a; (fact) → stabilito/a
the Established Church → la religione di Stato
a well-established business → un'attività ben avviata

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(iˈstӕbliʃ) verb

1. to settle firmly in a position (eg a job, business etc). He established himself (in business) as a jeweller. vestig يُثَبِّت، يُعَزِّز установявам estabelecer(-se) etablovat se sich niederlassen grundlægge; oprette; etablere καθιερώνω, καθιερώνομαι establecer (kellenagi) tunnustust leidma جا انداختن؛ ریشه دار کردن vakiinnuttaa établir לִקבּוֹע स्थापित करना afirmirati, dokazati elhelyezkedik memantapkan koma sér fyrir í stabilire (地位に) つかせる 기반을 잡다 įtvirtinti iekārtot; iekārtoties; nostiprināt (savu stāvokli) memantapkan vestigen etablere, befeste, innrette wyrobić pozycję ټينګول، ځاى په ځاى كول: ور په برخه كول: جوړول، تاسيس كول، منل (پر): ځان ګډول، لاس پورې كول: ميشته كول (ځان يا بل) estabelecer a se con­sa­cra устраивать usadiť sa, zariadiť sa uveljaviti dokazati se etablera ก่อตั้ง girmek, atılmak 確立 влаштовуватися مقام بنانا củng cố 确立

2. to found; to set up (eg a university, a business). How long has the firm been established? stig, tot stand bring يُؤَسِّس، يُقيم، يُنْشِئ създавам estabelecer zřídit gründen grundlægge; oprette; etablere ιδρύω, στήνω fundar asutama تاسیس کردن perustaa fonder לְיָיסֵד प्रमाणित करना osnovati, utemeljiti (meg)alapít mendirikan stofna, koma á fót fondare 設立する 창설(설립)하다 įkurti nodibināt mendirikan oprichten grunnlegge, stifte, opprette zakładać تاسیس estabelecer/fundar a înfiinţa учреждать založiť ustanoviti osnovati upprätta, grunda, bilda สถาปนา kurmak 創辦,建立 засновувати; закладати قائم کرنا thành lập 创办,建立

3. to show to be true; to prove. The police established that he was guilty. staaf يُثْبِت، يُبَرْهِن доказвам estabelecer dokázat feststellen påvise; bevise αποδεικνύω probar tuvastama ثابت کردن osoittaa établir לְבָסֵס साबित करना ustanoviti megállapít membuktikan sanna provare 立証する 입증하다 nustatyti konstatēt/pierādīt (faktu) membuktikan vaststellen bevise, bringe på det rene, fastslå ustalać ثابتول estabelecer a stabili устанавливать dokázať dokazati ustanoviti fastställa, fastslå, bevisa พิสูจน์ saptamak, belirlemek 證實 установлювати ثابت کرنا chứng minh 证实

eˈstablished adjective

settled or accepted. established customs. gevestigde ثابِت، مُعْتَرَف بِه установен estabelecido vžitý bestehend etableret; accepteret καθιερωμένος establecido kindlakskujunenud پایدار؛ رسمی vakiintunut établi מבוסס स्वीकृत, स्थापित ustanovljen elfogadott mapan fastur; traustur; sem hefð er fyrir stabilito 確立された 확립된, 인정된 nusistovėjęs, įsišaknijęs iesakņojies; vispāratzīts diterima pakai gevestigd fastslått, anerkjent ustalony میشتول estabelecido consacrat укоренившийся vžitý uveljavljen proveren etablerad, vedertagen, fast ที่ได้รับการยอมรับ yerleşmiş 被認定了的;公認的 встановлений; такий, що вкорінився تسلیم شدہ đã thành lập 被认定了的,公认的

eˈstablishment noun

1. the act of establishing. stig, vestig تأسيس، إنْشاء، تَعْزيز، بَرْهَنَه، تَثْبيت установяване estabelecimento zřízení, ustavení die Gründung oprettelse; etablering ίδρυση, εγκατάσταση, καθιέρωση, απόδειξη establecimiento asutamine استقرار؛ تاسیس perustaminen constitution הקמה स्थान osnivanje, utemeljenje, osnutak létesítés pemantapan stofnun costituzione 設立 설립 įkūrimas nodibināšana; izveidošana pemantapan vestiging grunnlegging, oppretting założenie تاسيس، موْسسه، داستوګنى او شغل ځاى estabelecimento consacrare установление; учреждение založenie uveljavitev; ustanovitev uspostavljanje etablering, grunda, bilda, fastslå การสถาปนา kurma, tesis etme 創辦,建立 заснування; створення تشکیل دینے کا عمل sự thành lập 确定,建立

2. an institution or organization. All employees of this establishment get a bonus at New Year. stigting مُؤَسَّسَه учреждение organização podnik die Einrichtung etablissement; foretagende; virksomhed ίδρυμα, οργανισμός institución asutus موسسه؛ دستگاه instituutio établissement מוסד स्थापन, संस्थापन ustanova, tvrtka intézmény lembaga stofnun stabilimento 事業所 기구, 단체 įstaiga, organizacija iestāde; organizācija institusi zaak virksomhet, etablissement zakład, firma موْسسه organização instituţie учреждение; организация podnik ustanova institucija företag, institution, inrättning สถาบัน; องค์กร kurum, kuruluş 機關組織 установа, заклад کاروباری یا عوامی ادارہ tổ chức 机关组织

3. a person's residence or household. a bachelor's establishment. nedersetting مَسْكِن، مُنْشَأَه дом residência domácnost der Haushalt hus κατοικία residencia elamine مغازه؛ دکان asunto ménage בסיס नींव kuća, kućanstvo háztartás tempat tinggal heimili residenza 世帯 (가구, 토지, 사용인 등을 포함한) 주거, 집, 세대 ūkis mājoklis tempat tinggal huishouding hus gospodarstwo پلورنځی residência gospodărie хозяиство, дом domácnosť gospodinjstvo rezidencija hus, hushåll บ้านเรือน ev 家庭,住處 господарство گھر بار nhà 家庭

the Establishment

the people and institutions that control power or are dominant in a society and stick to traditions; one of these institutions. The hippies rebelled against the Establishment; the political/literary establishment. Instelling النِّظام (السّائِد) изнситуции poder estabelecido vládnoucí třída das Establishment det etablerede samfund το κατεστημένο el sistema ladvik, ülemkiht دستگاه دولت و سردمداران yhteiskunnallinen järjestelmä establishment ממסד सत्ता krugovi koji imaju vlast, visoko društvo uralkodó elit, a hatalom Penguasa il sistema (既成の)体制 기성 권력 기구, 권위 조직, 체제 valdantieji/privilegijuotieji sluoksniai valsts pārvalde; valdošās aprindas pihak berkuasa establishment, gevestigde orde systemet, det etablerte samfunnet ustrój społeczno-polityczny, establishment د دولت او سرمايه دارانو پايه instituţie истэблишмент vládne orgány, úrady a ľudia v nich vladajoč sistem, establišment vladajuća elita det etablerade samhället, etablissemanget บุคคลสำคัญที่มีอำนาจและมีความคิดเป็นอนุรักษ์นิยม baştakiler, egemen güçler 當權者,主流派,體制,權力機構 правлячі кола, еліта ہیئت حاکمہ یا منتظمہ giới quyền uy 当权派,权力机构,领导集团

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

Fcc Established Business Relationship Definition

Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/established

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