Fat Moms Fat Moms With Big Boobs Nersing Baby

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"You just need to leave the room when you breastfeed" Breastfeeding experiences amid obese women in Sweden – A qualitative written report

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The benefits of breastfeeding for the infant besides for the female parent are well-known. Information technology is recognized that obese (Torso Mass Index ≥30 kg/grandii) women may accept less antenatal intention to breastfeed, and shortened duration of breastfeeding compared with normal-weight women. This may consequence in adverse brusque- and long-term health for both mother and kid, such equally a shortened lactational amenorrhoea and decreased protection against breast cancer for the women, and an increased risk for infectious diseases and overweight/obesity amidst the children. Therefore, it is important to proceeds more knowledge and understanding of obese women's experiences of breastfeeding in order to attain good health intendance. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify and depict obese women's experiences of breastfeeding.


This is an explorative report. Data was collected 2 – 18 months after childbirth through semi-structured face-to-face interviews with eleven obese women with breastfeeding feel. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was used.


Iii themes emerged from the data analysis: Breastfeeding - a function of motherhood, the challenges of breastfeeding, and support for breastfeeding. The women described an antenatal hope for breastfeeding, the body'due south ability to produce milk fascinated them, and the breast milk was seen as the best manner to feed the child and too as promoting the attachment between mother and child. Breastfeeding was described as a challenge fifty-fifty though information technology is natural. The challenges concerned technical difficulties such as the woman finding a proficient torso position and helping the child to accomplish an optimum grip of the nipple. Some other challenge was the exposure of the trunk continued to public breastfeeding. Back up of breastfeeding was described equally the importance of being confirmed as an individual backside the obesity, rather than an individual with obesity, and to obtain enough professional breastfeeding support.


Breastfeeding was experienced as a natural role of being a mother. In that location were practical challenges for obese women apropos how to manage breastfeeding and how to handle the public exposure of the body. There was a need for realistic data most breastfeeding concerning both the kid and the woman.

Peer Review reports


Worldwide obesity (Body Mass Alphabetize [BMI] ≥ 30 kg/thou2) has more than than doubled since the early 1980s and the prevalence among the female person population, both across the world and in Sweden, is near 15% [1, 2]. Roughly 13% of meaning women in the year 2015 in Sweden were obese at enrolment in antenatal care [iii].

Pre-pregnancy obesity poses an increased risk for ante-, peri- and postnatal complications [4]. An excessive gestational weight gain may further worsen the situation [five]. Bever Babendure et al. [six] concluded in a novel review that obesity is a major hazard gene for reduced initiation, duration and exclusively of breastfeeding. Mechanical factors such as additional tissue and larger breasts might be obstacles to breastfeeding, and furthermore, a protracted and complicated childbirth as well every bit postnatal edema are associated with delayed onset of lactogenesis II [6]. Previous studies have reported that, in comparison with normal-weight women, obese pregnant women seem to take less intention to breastfeed [7,8,9], whereas a recent report found no differences in antenatal intention for feeding [10]. Obese significant women with a recommended or excessive gestational weight proceeds have an increased risk of failing to initiate breastfeeding and of discontinuing exclusive breastfeeding, compared with normal-weight women with recommended weight gain [11]. However, a recently published study showed no differences in any or sectional breastfeeding 3 months postpartum, according to gestational weight proceeds or pre-pregnancy BMI form [12]. Furthermore, fewer obese new mothers initiated breastfeeding and more than obese women ceased within the first postnatal week, compared to normal-weight women [8, 13]. Overall, obese women have a shortened elapsing of breastfeeding in comparison with normal-weight women [8].

The relationship between obesity and psychosocial factors and its touch on on breastfeeding initiation, exclusivity and duration has been shown in some studies. Obese breastfeeding women accept a reduced conviction in their ability to reach their own breastfeeding goals. They besides take few shut friends and relatives who have breastfed and they experience lower social influence from others to breastfeed [14, 15]. Obesity has also been institute to be associated with lower maternal cocky-efficacy and a higher rate of early breastfeeding abeyance [16].They may run into barriers to successful breastfeeding such as complications during the commitment, which might filibuster the establishment of skin-to-skin contact and past extension the initiation of breastfeeding, and may also cause sucking problems and difficulty positioning their infant [10, 15, 17, 18]. Other barriers may be lack of breastfeeding back up, difficulty finding privacy in hospital or at home, and feeling uncomfortable when breastfeeding in public places [15, 18]. Additionally, torso image concerns and trunk confidence may as well bear upon the breastfeeding issue. Not bad business about the body image during pregnancy is associated with both intention to utilize and the actual use of formula, as well as shorter breastfeeding duration [19]. Overweight/obese women study more concerns with their trunk shape and, postnatally, are less confident almost their bodies, compared with normal-weight women. Body concerns and lack of conviction and comfort are likewise associated with shorter lactation duration [twenty].

The benefits of breastfeeding for the kid too as for the female parent are well-known. A recent meta-assay [21] highlighted protection against infections and malocclusion, a lower take chances of mortality, and a possible reduction in overweight and diabetes amid children. Breastfeeding is associated with longer periods of amenorrhea, protection confronting breast cancer, and potentially as well protection against ovarian cancer and blazon 2 diabetes [21]. Sweden besides every bit many other countries has adopted the recommendation of the World Wellness Organization of exclusive breastfeeding up to the age of 6 months, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary food during the first year of life, or as long every bit the parents and kid want [22]. In the twelvemonth 2015, a total of 95% of all children were breastfed at ane week of age. Respective figures for 4 and 6 months of historic period were 74 and 63% respectively [23].

Low intention, failure initiation, and a short duration of breastfeeding among obese women may result in adverse brusque- and long-term health for both female parent and child. Therefore, it is important to gain more knowledge and understanding of obese women's experiences of breastfeeding in social club to supply relevant wellness care. To our knowledge simply a few qualitative studies take focused on lactating obese women, and to develop effective counselling and services for obese pregnant and breastfeeding women it is crucial to understand the phenomena from a woman'due south point of view. Hence the aim of this report was to identify and depict their experiences of breastfeeding.


Written report design, settings and participants

This was an explorative study, and data was collected through contiguous interviews. The study was performed in the south-east of Sweden. Inclusion criteria for the study were: women with a self-reported pre-pregnancy weight and summit calculated to BMI ≥ 30, normal pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding experience during the last 2-18 months, Swedish speaking and of European origin.

Data collection

An interview guide was developed by the enquiry group and consisted of eight open-ended questions (Table 1). The guide was tested past the ii authors in two pilot interviews, which led to no alter. The ii interviews are therefore included in the information. All questions were covered in all interviews, just non necessarily in the same order, as the interviews followed the natural progression of a conversation.

Table one Interview guide

Total size table

The participants were recruited using purposive sampling. Contact was fabricated with the Weight Watchers Arrangement and instructors at 3 local offices were given oral and written data. The instructors then passed this information on to obese women who came to the local offices. A snowball inclusion [24] method was also used. Six women from the Weight Watchers and seven from the snowball inclusion were interested in participating in the study and they were given oral and written information. 2 of the women did not fulfil the inclusion criteria, and a total of eleven women were interviewed.

All interviews were conducted by the 2 authors (LL, LS) between October 2014 and March 2015. The participants decided the date and identify of the interview and virtually of them took place at the participants' habitation only some of them in a public identify (e.g. a cafeteria). The women were once more informed about the study and that they could withdraw their participation at whatever time, and also that the interview cloth would remain confidential and their identity would not exist disclosed. Written informed consent was obtained from the participants. The interviews lasted for thirty-41 min (median 35 min), and were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim by LL and LS.


The information was analysed using inductive thematic analysis in accordance with Braun and Clarke [25] and it included six steps. (1) Two of the authors transcribed the interviews verbatim. The transcribed data was read several times by all the authors in order to gain familiarity. Initial ideas in the data were written downwardly and discussed. (2) Initial codes were identified for features of the data that related to the written report aim. The interviews were given equal attention and were coded for equally many patterns as possible. (three) The codes were organized into initial themes past two of the authors, and so were revised jointly by all four authors. (iv) The initial themes were reviewed in relation to the entire data. Coded extracts were moved to create coherent and consequent themes. Thematic maps were created to aid the generation of themes. (5) The themes were defined past identifying the core and writing down the content of each theme. All authors were active in refining the definitions and finally labelling the themes. (6) When writing the manuscript, citations were chosen to illustrate the findings.

Ideals statement

The study was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and Swedish legislation on not-invasive studies [26, 27].


Eleven obese women from southward-e Sweden participated in the study. All characteristics were self-reported. The average age of the participants was 31 years (range from 24 to forty years of historic period). Out of the 11 women, 5 were first-fourth dimension mothers. BMI varied between xxx.0 and 45.0 (median 31.2). Nine of the women had ceased breastfeeding at the time of the interview (the median of breastfeeding elapsing was 9 weeks) while two were even so engaging in breastfeeding three months later on childbirth. The characteristics of the participants are displayed in Tabular array ii.

Tabular array 2 Participant characteristics

Total size tabular array

Obese women's experiences of breastfeeding are described in 3 chief themes and nine sub-themes (Fig. 1). The findings are exemplified with interview quotes termed A to K.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Principal- and sub-themes

Total size paradigm

Theme 1: Breastfeeding – A part of motherhood

The women stated that the motherhood was confirmed past the ability to breastfeed. Breastfeeding was stressed as something natural, and as obviously giving many advantages. It gave the possibility for closeness and conviction, and nutritionally, breast milk was seen as the best way to feed the child. Furthermore, it promoted the attachment betwixt mother and child. The torso'south own ability to produce milk and thus see the needs of the kid was experienced with fascination and joy. These factors were all reasons why the women chose breastfeeding.

Hoping to breastfeed

The breastfeeding expectations during the pregnancy were mostly described every bit positive. The women had an intention to breastfeed their children even if there was an underlying feeling that the breastfeeding might not piece of work every bit expected.

"I thought after all that it was possible to breastfeed so I wanted to try, just I thought that if it didn't work out information technology would exist OK" (E)

Confidence in the ability to breastfeed was influenced by past experiences. Although breastfeeding had non worked with older children, in that location was still a hope that it would office properly this time.

"I had a hope that it would work. My program was that I really wanted to breastfeed. That was my idea. I was quite prepared to practice that. However, I was uncertain, given my past experiences, only my expectation and promise was that I could breastfeed" (A)

Factors such as theoretical cognition most breastfeeding and participation in an antenatal instruction group contributed to a desire to breastfeed, but it besides led to the realisation that not all women tin breastfeed, and formula feeding was seen as an alternative.

All-time for the kid

The women considered that breastfeeding was a part of motherhood as breastmilk is nutritionally the best nutrient for the child. They described positive properties of chest milk and also practical advantages of breastfeeding. The possibility to feed the child whenever there was a need for it helped them to continue being a feeding mother. The beneficial health effects of the chest milk too influenced the duration of the breastfeeding and was i of the factors that helped them to maintain breastfeeding to a greater extent than they had planned. The women besides considered that there was a norm in society that a mother should breastfeed.

"They're indoctrinated into that one should breastfeed ane'south child …. breast milk is so amazingly good, information technology has all they need and they can take part of the female parent's immune organization. Chest milk can be applied in the nose, eyes and ears as a kind of medicine and it will heal all kind of troubles. You lot feel some self-satisfaction being able to breastfeed your child because that is absolutely the all-time thing you can do for the child .... so in that style y'all become satisfied" (B)

Promotion of the zipper

The possibility to skin-to-peel-contact provided physical and emotional closeness. It provided the women from the beginning with an opportunity for natural nearness, facilitating the process of bonding. The women stated that breastfeeding gave them their priceless own time with the child which strengthened them in being a mother. Breastfeeding was highlighted every bit something more than only feeding and nutrition.

"In the commencement I found it perchance a bit hard to bond. I had absolutely no postnatal depression or annihilation else, simply I establish bonding a bit difficult to sympathise in any fashion. When breastfeeding you are really close and I felt that I needed breastfeeding in club to bond properly. I would be special to him" (I)

"Closeness …. moments together … you e'er have the nutrient with them ... peace and quiet … the contact we had together" (C)

Reflection of the body

The women described a positive experience when the kid was suckling for the offset time. The spontaneous and natural breast milk production created a feeling of satisfaction with the power to be a nursing mother. Many women felt this satisfaction throughout the whole lactation period.

"Wow it works! One has heard from people that information technology volition not start at once, haven't you, but he needed only to suck twice and then the milk gushed from the breast and I idea that I was designed for breastfeeding" (H)

"He begins to suck straight! It is actually quite magical". (I)

When the women reflected on the impact of body weight and breastfeeding, some of them said that a loftier BMI had a negative touch on breastfeeding, whereas others were not sure about it. There were those who compared themselves with others with well-functioning breastfeeding. They believed that lower body weight and smaller breasts could have a positive touch on breastfeeding.

"For them, it was just fine. The thought has crossed my mind that information technology could be due to the weight or size of the breast" (I)

Theme 2: The challenges of breastfeeding

Even if at that place was an intention to breastfeed, the women stated that it was difficult during pregnancy to imagine the hard piece of work required for well-working breastfeeding. The breastfeeding was oftentimes described as complicated and problematic and the women reported a number of difficulties they had to struggle with, more often than not at the beginning. The joy and satisfaction with the ability to breastfeed was in dissimilarity to the mental strain associated with public breastfeeding, due to showing their own body. When the women had been able to see the problems in perspective, some of them said the efforts to accomplish functioning breastfeeding were worth it, although the opposite opinion likewise existed.

The technique of breastfeeding

The women described the difficulty of finding the right body position, giving the child the optimum grip on the nipple. For a number of women, to lie on 1's side was the best and the merely breastfeeding position. This position made it difficult to breastfeed in other places than in their own home and it created a feeling of isolation. This position also made the women miss the practical function of breastfeeding the child whenever the child needed it.

"I couldn't sit upwardly, I did not have a proficient technique and sometimes it was difficult to become it right, get the right grip and difficult to become started…" (F)

Women with large breasts talked about the child'due south difficulties in getting a proficient grip on the nipple. The large breast leads to thoughts that the size may accept a negative impact on the breastfeeding i.e. impaired milk production and wrong suckling grip. The incorrect suckling grip leads to nipple lesions, which crusade pain.

"I had very big boobs and that's why I was thinking that they might not contain and so much milk. It was impractical considering he had difficulty getting the breast in his mouth then I thought information technology could have much to do with it" (I)

"They thought that I had such a heavy breast, which was why she had difficulty to take hold of. I would help to concord up the chest and I thought it worked better for a while, when I had done it. But then I thought surely it was as well hard so I gave her formula and stopped breastfeeding" (Due east)

Exposure of the body

The women stated that at the fourth dimension breastfeeding was carried out, both the woman'south torso and the child were in focus. The breasts were more than or less uncovered, which could arouse feelings of uncomfortableness in the breastfeeding woman, but it could also be a source of feet about negative reactions from people in the immediate environment. Public breastfeeding could therefore be a challenge for an obese adult female. She faced the choice of customizing her clothing to minimize the exposure of the trunk or offering the kid formula. Some women considered that they lost some of their conviction when they all of a sudden had to evidence their chest. This practical in public breastfeeding but also in health care situations when health care professionals (HPs) "poked and touched" the chest. They said that they had no choice to say no. The women stated that obesity was often linked to low cocky-esteem and this influenced thoughts near breastfeeding and the practise of it.

"Information technology has probably affected me and then that I chose to bring formula because I knew that the situation would arise sooner or afterwards. It was my safe valve to not have to breastfeed in public without existence able to provide formula instead" (B)

"Maybe you are more than ashamed to show your body while breastfeeding when y'all are overweight. You moved aside when you would breastfeed" (A)

Unmet expectations

When the breastfeeding did non attain the positive expectations which existed during pregnancy, negative emotion arose. If the child was unsatisfied during and after breastfeeding the women worried and experienced frustration, blame and negative stress. Failure to achieve the goal of functioning breastfeeding was described by some women as a defeat. Prematurely ceasing breastfeeding led to a bad conscience and afterwards a wish, despite tiredness and weakness, that they had fought more than to accomplish well-functioning breastfeeding.

"You lot did endeavour to breastfeed and the issue of it was that he cried and I cried….we struggled and struggled and struggled. Then followed an emotionally very tough period …. not being able to breastfeed" (D)

"With hindsight I would mayhap have tried a little more breastfeeding. But information technology's not so easy. It'south easy to say in retrospect what one should accept done" (F)

Breastfeeding was also described as a stressful and time-consuming procedure which influenced the whole family. The everyday pace was dragged down because breastfeeding was not going to speed up. Even though at that place was an awareness and acceptance that breastfeeding would accept time to work optimally, some women felt as if they were continuously feeding their kid.

"It was breastfeeding almost all the fourth dimension. He ate and ate and ate…. and then I felt like it was a marathon" (H)

Theme 3: Support for breastfeeding

How well the breastfeeding works out tin be influenced past the back up available for the obese adult female. HPs in the Maternity ward and Child Welfare Heart are critical supporters. To be confirmed as a breastfeeding female parent in the outset of the fourth dimension with the child is crucial. Functional back up can be described as holistic support including the needs of both the child and the woman.

Lack of support

The women talked about several challenges they had to face up coming home with the new-born child. They struggled to help the child with gripping the nipple, gaining weight and helping the child to exist satisfied with breastfeeding, simply they also had to focus on themselves and issues such as similar nipple lesions, tiredness, and fearfulness of not managing to be the breastfeeding mother they were expected to be. The women often felt lonely and vulnerable in the ongoing complex situation, of breastfeeding and being in transition to motherhood. They stated that it was of import to run into an HP who could see both the kid and the woman, and when necessary support the woman then she could succeed in breastfeeding co-ordinate to her intention.

"It is very much preparations before a pregnancy and during a pregnancy after you stand there without whatsoever handbook … you stand up there very solitary " (A)

Some women stated that the back up in the Child Welfare Eye mostly had focused on the kid's weight gaining, and the woman's intentions or preferences for breastfeeding were in a way ignored. Thus, the women received recommendations almost formula and often they lacked data about partial breastfeeding and support concerning how partial breastfeeding could proceed. This was one of the reasons why women ceased breastfeeding and some talked near having a bad conscience and disappointment well-nigh non being able to give the kid the best nutrition. Many women said that these emotions were not noticed past the HP.

"In the Kid Welfare Middle they idea that ane should non spend any free energy on breastfeeding … They told me to buy formula and I received no back upwardly. I idea that should I do equally they said. I couldn't say or do anything else" (H)

Looking back at the time of controlling regarding ceasing breastfeeding, some talked almost information technology as a relief and others revealed thwarting. If breastfeeding was connected with negative stress including dubiety about the kid's weight gain and an uncomfortable situation for the woman, ceasing breastfeeding was experienced as freeing. Others described frustration and stress of having to surrender breastfeeding and connected it to lack of support and not having enough fighting spirit.

To exist seen and confirmed

Many women stated that they received adequate and individual back up. They experienced that HPs paid attending to them and their efforts to achieve functioning breastfeeding, confirming them and strengthening them in their new role every bit a breastfeeding woman. The support increased the women's confidence in their ability to breastfeed, and existence treated as an individual behind the obesity, rather than an individual with obesity strengthened self-confidence and too the trust in the healthcare system.

"When I was there with my beginning child, they oftentimes talked about my obesity and it was written 27 times that I was very overweight. This fourth dimension they looked into my eyes and saw me equally I was. Nobody focused on what I looked like. It is important that you receive the same information regardless of your weight." (Thou)


The aim of the present study was to identify and describe obese women's experiences of breastfeeding. The women described breastfeeding as a role of motherhood, as breast milk is the best for the child and breastfeeding promotes attachment. However, the breastfeeding experiences did not alive up to the expectations they had during pregnancy. To breastfeed was a claiming both regarding the technique and the exposure of the body. The women described a need of support which confirmed them, and they wanted to be treated as an private behind the obesity. They requested information about fractional breastfeeding which might encourage them not to give up breastfeeding.

The results reveal that obese women'due south experiences of breastfeeding in many ways are similar to those of normal-weight women, for example every bit regards breastfeeding as a natural office of maternity, the challenges of breastfeeding and the need for back up [28, 29]. According to the women in the present study, the challenges and the demand of support were especially associated with the obesity and the body. Having large breasts was one reason that some mentioned as impaired or non-working breastfeeding. They compared their own breastfeeding situations with others who they idea had normal-sized breasts and a well-functioning breastfeeding. Some of the women expressed anxiety that big breasts could imply impaired milk production, and apprehensions about bereft milk supply in obese breastfeeding women are also reported in other studies [17, 30, 31]. The women besides described difficulties in finding a expert breastfeeding position and helping the child to go a proficient grip of the chest nipple, and this was in agreement with other studies showing that large breasts and problems with the nipples may be associated with latching problems [iv, 15].

The torso was also idue north focus when talking about breastfeeding in public places. A majority of the women found this situation loathsome. The mentioned reasons the exposure of the breast every bit well as technical issues. This is in accordance with other studies [10, xviii, 28, thirty]. The need for privacy can ultimately lead to a shortened duration of breastfeeding and preference for formula, which is easier to handle in public. In add-on, and from some other perspective, lack of comfort or confidence with the body image is associated with reduced lactation duration [20] and may therefore contribute to choosing formula. The feelings of discomfort in public breastfeeding and a need for privacy can besides be related to self-esteem, every bit high BMI is associated with lower self-esteem [32]. Previous studies have shown that overweight pregnant women experience stigmatised and exposed before they become pregnant [33,34,35]. The dissatisfaction with one's body epitome seems to remain during pregnancy [36]. Higher body epitome concerns during pregnancy accept been shown to be associated with formula use from birth, and with shorter breast feeding duration [37]. In a newly published study it was shown that women with obesity had poorer torso image and were less likely to maintain breastfeeding compared with healthy weight women [38].

The public dilemma might outcome in social isolation, which was also mentioned by adolescent mothers who felt uncomfortable during public breastfeeding and thought it express their possibilities to participate in social events [39]. Furthermore, the outcome about public breastfeeding tin be connected to attitudes in guild about breastfeeding in public, and a study among New York residents showed that overall, 50% were not supportive of public breastfeeding [40].

The women described negative feelings when the breastfeeding did not accomplish the positive pre-pregnancy expectations. Similar findings have been reported in a meta-ethnographic synthesis of women'south experience of breastfeeding, and the terms 'expectation' and 'reality' were used [29]. Breastfeeding was not as like shooting fish in a barrel every bit it looked and in that location was a sense of beingness disappointed with the reality [29]. The gap betwixt expectations and experiences may result in premature cession of breastfeeding, which according to the participants in the present study, tin be connected with a bad conscience for not having fought enough, but tin can also be a freeing decision. This finding is in line with findings in other studies showing that ceasing breastfeeding was oftentimes associated with feelings of failure and guilt nearly depriving the child of 'the all-time' but was as well a crucial and necessary conclusion for the kid's health and well-existence [29, 41]. The decision about giving up breastfeeding tin can be connected to the fact that during pregnancy the mothers had thought of this as natural and they were unprepared for the problems [41]. In a study by Dark-brown [37], women stated that the antenatal care stressed generally the health benefits, while the challenges of becoming and being a breastfeeding mother were subconscious, and because of that they were not prepared for reality. In the present study, breastfeeding was described as a time-consuming and demanding process, and the same finding is reported in other studies where the breastfeeding process requires perseverance [15, 29]. The challenges of breastfeeding which the women in our report experienced illustrate that obese breastfeeding women should be offered additional and tailored breastfeeding support based on their private needs. Some of the women in the present study stated that they had obtained professional advice and help, whereas others had experiences of loneliness in the situation. The HPs need knowledge and agreement about specific requirements equally obese women seem to be less probable to seek postnatal breastfeeding support [eighteen, 30].

Breastfeeding support includes many sources such as HPs, partners, parents and friends [28, 29] but the women in the nowadays study focused on HPs and the need to be seen and confirmed. They had a need for individual back up and to be seen every bit an individual backside the obesity. It is a challenge to give individual support and Swerts et al. [42] describe the midwife's role in supporting breastfeeding using two different perspectives: the midwife equally a source of technical support and equally a skilled companion. Co-ordinate to that written report, nearly of the women wanted support from a skilled companion only a majority of midwives provided back up as a technical practiced [42]. To support as a skilled companion might be a style to empower the obese breastfeeding women, as some women in our study said that support which confirmed them increased their conviction in their ability to breastfeed.

Limitations and strengths

The limitation of this study is the pocket-sized sample of women. The recommendation for sample size in a qualitative study according to Kvale and Brinkman [43] is 15 ± 10 depending on the aim of the written report and the richness of information in the interviews. Our sample of mothers represents a variety of ages, which gives a variety of data, and according to Patton [24], multifariousness strengthens a qualitative study.

A force is that we used open-concluded questions, and the starting time six were general and could also accept been used for women with normal weight. Our intention with these questions was that the women would talk freely about their breastfeeding and not use the obesity as a characterization. The trustworthiness of the written report was strengthened as the 15-bespeak checklist of criteria for practiced quality of thematic assay according to Braun and Clarke [25] was used.

Obesity has increased and in Western order the women's body is in potent focus. Our results indicate that the body is a factor in the struggle with breastfeeding among obese women. Until now few studies have focused on experiences of breastfeeding related to the body. Therefore, information technology is of import in future studies to endeavour to develop private and effective counselling for pregnant and breastfeeding obese women.

Conclusions and clinical implications

Breastfeeding was experienced equally a natural part of motherhood. The knowledge most possibilities to offer the child the best nutrition was strengthened. However, there were challenges concerning practical aspects of how to manage breastfeeding and how to handle the public exposure of the body. In that location was a need for realistic information most breastfeeding and support for both the child and the adult female. The women wanted to be seen as individuals behind the obesity.

These results might encourage HPs to reflect on how to considerately inform and gear up obese pregnant women for the challenges of the approaching breastfeeding, and how to provide skilled and private breastfeeding support postnatally. At that place is a demand to empathize how obesity might influence the practical breastfeeding state of affairs and women's reactions to their bodies. This might be a fashion to subtract the gap between expectations and reality and to provide professional and ethical wellness-promotion support.



Body Mass Index


Health care professional


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This written report was supported by grants from The Health Research Council of the Southeast of Sweden and ALF, Canton Quango of Östergötland.

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IMC: Study design, data analysis, data interpretation and writing. LL: Study design, data collection, data interpretation and writing. LS: Study design, data collection, data estimation and writing. SA: Study design, information analysis, data estimation and writing. All authors accept read and canonical the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Ing-Marie Claesson.

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IMC: Registered nurse and midwife, PhD. LL: Registered nurse and midwife. LS: Registered nurse and midwife. SA: Registered nurse and midwife, associate professor.

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The written report was performed in accordance with the Announcement of Helsinki and Swedish legislation on non-invasive studies. Written informed consent was obtained from the participants.

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Claesson, IM., Larsson, L., Steen, L. et al. "You but need to leave the room when y'all breastfeed" Breastfeeding experiences among obese women in Sweden – A qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 18, 39 (2018). https://doi.org/x.1186/s12884-017-1656-ii

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  • DOI : https://doi.org/ten.1186/s12884-017-1656-2


  • Breastfeeding
  • Feel
  • Obesity
  • Qualitative research


Source: https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-017-1656-2

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