Email From Universal About New Website and Have to Sign Up Again

This information in this article applies simply to web tracking. The calculations don't utilise if you're collecting data using an Analytics SDK for a mobile Os. Learn more near app sessions.

The concept of a session in Analytics is important to understand because many features, reports, and metrics depend on how Analytics calculates sessions.

In this article :

  • Overview
  • Time based expiration
  • Campaign based expiration
  • Metric calculations: Sessions and New Users


A session is a group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given fourth dimension frame. For example a single session can contain multiple page views, events, social interactions, and ecommerce transactions. Acquire more nigh the dissimilar asking types in Analytics.

You can think of a session every bit the container for the deportment a user takes on your site.

Many interactions can happen within one visit.

A single user can open up multiple sessions. Those sessions can occur on the aforementioned 24-hour interval, or over several days, weeks, or months. Every bit soon equally 1 session ends, at that place is then an opportunity to start a new session. There are 2 methods by which a session ends:

  • Time-based expiration:
    • After 30 minutes of inactivity
    • At midnight
  • Entrada change:
    • If a user arrives via ane campaign, leaves, and then comes back via a different campaign.

Time based expiration

How long does a session final?

By default, a session lasts until at that place's xxx minutes of inactivity, simply you lot can adjust this limit so a session lasts from a few seconds to several hours. Learn more about adjusting session settings.

When a user, say Bob, arrives on your site, Analytics starts counting from that moment. If 30 minutes pass without any kind of interaction from Bob, the session ends. Even so, every time Bob interacts with an chemical element (like an event, social interaction, or a new page), Analytics resets the expiration time by adding on an boosted thirty minutes from the time of that interaction.


Assume Bob interacts with your website at the post-obit intervals:

A series of standard interactions and the visit expiry.

Afterward event ii, the session decease is set to fourteen:34

When Bob first arrives on your site, the session is set to expire at 14:31. As Bob continues through your site, viewing pages and triggering events, each of these additional requests moves the expiry ahead 30 minutes.

What happens if during a session to my site, Bob leaves open a page while he takes a 31-infinitesimal lunch break, then returns to continue browsing the site?

In this scenario, the first session that was opened when Bob arrived on the site ends xxx minutes into his lunch break. When he returns from lunch and continues browsing the website, and so Analytics sets a new 30-minute death, and a new session begins.

A new visit starts if a user doesn

Bob was one-half way through a product buy when he left your site and went for tiffin. He later returned to complete the transaction. The landing page of the new session is the add-to-cart page.

What happens if Bob leaves open a page on my site, just only takes a 29-minute tiffin break before he continues browsing?

When Bob returns, the session that was open continues from the last page he was viewing on your site (provided he doesn't return via another campaign source -- a chip more most this below). As far as Analytics is concerned, he never left your website.

If a user continuous interacts with content and only pauses within the specified time limit, the visit keeps going.

Bob was half manner through a product purchase when he left your site and went for lunch. The divergence this fourth dimension is that considering he returned in under 30 minutes, the old session remains open. It's worth noting that his time on folio for pageview 2 (production) is 29 minutes, since fourth dimension on folio is calculated as the deviation between the initiation of successive pageviews: pageview 3 - pageview ii (14:31-14:02 = 00:29).

End of day expiry

Bob opens your website at 11:fifty PM on the 14th of August and leaves your website at 12:10 AM on the 15th of August.

The first session ends at 11:59:59 PM on the 14th of Baronial, and the 2d session begins at 12:00 AM on the 15th of August.

Terminate of mean solar day is adamant by your view timezone settings.

Campaign based expiration

Every time a user's entrada source changes, Analytics opens a new session. It's of import to point out that even if an existing session is all the same open up (that is, less than thirty mins have elapsed), if the campaign source changes mid-session the starting time session is closed and a new session is opened.

Let's say Bob opens your website in the following order:

Two separate sessions, with two unrelated interactions.

Analytics stores campaign source information. Each time the value of the entrada is updated, Analytics opens a new session. In the example above, Bob outset arrives at your website via the Google organic keyword Reddish Widgets, then later returns via the Google paid keyword Blue Widgets.

Each search term updates the campaign, so each keyword corresponds to a new session.

What causes updates to the campaign?

More often than not speaking, the campaign updates anytime the user arrives at your site via a search engine, referring website, or campaign-tagged URL. Direct traffic, however, never updates or replaces an existing entrada source such as a search engine, referring site, or campaign-tagged information.

Google Ads autotagging

In the instance of Google Ads autotagging, each click generates a unique entrada value (a gclid value). Because each click has its ain gclid value, each click is treated equally a dissever campaign and creates a new session.


A new campaign is attributed every time a user clicks a link to your site from a referring site.

If Bob visits and clicks a link to your site, he starts a session attributed to a referral from If he immediately visits and clicks a link to your site, he starts a new session attributed to a referral from

You can apply referral exclusions to foreclose referrals from specific sites from creating new sessions.

Campaign Tags

The all-time practise is to employ autotagging instead of manual campaign tags, just let's assume that you manually tagged your Google Ads campaigns with a destination URL like this:

Bob clicks your advertising, which registers a new session for the first click. However, unlike autotagging, where multiple clicks on the ad can generate multiple corresponding sessions, manually tagged entrada parameter values remain the same for every click so the entrada isn't updated for each click. This makes it possible to accept multiple ad clicks and only 1 session.

If you annunciate on third-party ad networks and apply manual campaign tags, you should exist aware that each click from a single user on those networks might not generate a respective session (if additional clicks happen within the 30-infinitesimal fourth dimension frame). This is a common cause of information discrepancies between Analytics and other product reporting.

Directly traffic

Finally, a quick discussion about direct traffic in Analytics. Direct as a campaign source never overrides an existing known campaign source similar a search engine, referral, or campaign source would.

Straight traffic that interacts with your content within the thirty-minute session window has the aforementioned effect as leaving your website for less than 30 minutes. The existing session opens and continues from where information technology left off.

Notation that the Multi-Aqueduct Funnel reports handle direct traffic differently than other Analytics reports.

Metric calculations: Sessions and New Users

Information technology's possible for the value of the metric Sessions to be less than the value of New Users. The reason is that Sessions is not incremented in cases where a session only consists of non-interaction events. In contrast, New Users is e'er incremented when a new-user session occurs, even if the session only consists of non-interaction events.


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